We run 30-minute, weekly, interactive bilingual music classes for preschoolers, babies, and their whānau to learn and grow together.
Now in SEVEN different venues across Ōtautahi/Christchurch – scroll down for more info on the venues.
Theme for Term 1 – He Uri o Tangaroa | Animals of the Sea
Our classes run to the same format, with the same waiata, each week, for the whole term.
Our whakaaro/reason for this is simple… tamariki learn through repetition, and we believe the consistency in keeping to the same music set each term, helps both child and caregiver to learn the kupu/words and actions for the waiata.
We believe it helps to solidify the reo/language that is being introduced, too – which is always beautiful to hear being sung back to us, by the tamariki!
Mondays, 9.30am – TERM 1 (2025) – 10 Feb-31 Mar (8wks)
Woolston Development Programme Lounge, 497 Ferry Road
Mondays, 10.30am – TERM 1 (2025) – 10 Feb-31 Mar (8wks)
New Brighton Union Church Hall, 24 Union Street (entrance on Collingwood Street)
Tuesdays, 9.30am – TERM 1 (2025) – 11 Feb-1 Apr (8wks)
Mount Pleasant Community Centre Hall, 3 McCormack’s Bay Road
Tuesdays, 10.30am – TERM 1 (2025) – 11 Feb-1 Apr (8wks)
Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre Hall (upstairs), 14-16 Wakefield Avenue
Wednesdays, 9:30 am – TERM 1 (2025) – 12 Feb-2 Apr (8wks)
St Marks Methodist Church Hall, 5 Somerfield Street
Wednesdays, 10:30am – TERM 1 (2025) – 12 Feb-2 Apr (8wks)
Beckenham Methodist Church Hall, 52 Martin Avenue (Hall entrance)
Thursdays, 9:30 am – TERM 1 (2025) – 13 Feb-3 Apr (8wks)
Empower Church Auditorium, 140 Springfield Road
"He hari he koa taku moko i tae atu i ngā Rāhina. Tūmeke kōrua."
- Annie Anderson
"These two ladies are incredible. So kind and talented and a wonderful way with little ones :) Their music class has helped my little one grow and nurture a love for song and music."
- Charlie Batcheolor
"Siu & Leah have amazing music skills and are really caring people and love kids. They'll get you singing along without realising you are."
- Jillian Dickinson
"Awesome class for preschoolers, very nice music, get the kids engaged and the girls are great!!"
- Gabriel Ribeiro
"Such an awesome programme. We love having you at Sumner and Redcliffs!"
- Eddie Hayes
"Lovely people and very talented musicians. These sessions are thoroughly enjoyed by preschoolers and their parents. They are fantastic at engaging the children in their music."
- Christine Gundersen